Complete Data Unification for Construction Companies

The Best Data Tool for Construction Experts

The construction industry is currently going through a robust digital transformation; moving from manual tasks and workflows to automation and data-driven decisions. However, most data from various ERP systems, Timesheets, CRM's and all other is still kept in numerous siloed tools, causing a significant loss in efficiency, planning potential and profitability.

With BEEM’s fully managed data hub, you can leverage your available data from Procore, Emyx, Maestro, SmartUse, PowerBI, STACK and various other platforms. BEEM also works with your custom and legacy systems and can be up and running in just a few weeks, not months. Optimizing your current and future platforms enable your teams to successfully run data-driven activities such as real-time project progression and to create automated real-time reports, etc.Our team of advanced data experts work with your team throughout the journey, mitigating the need for your teams to undergo extensive training, drastically increase the budget or have to hire more staff.

The BEEM data platform can be subsidized by industry programs

As part of your digital transformation, you recently carried out a 4.0 Audit with the help of a certified consultant. You now need to optimize your processes and make technology choices while ensuring that you get the full value from all the data that will be available through these software and systems. With the BEEM solution, you can finally resolve your data issues between your ERP and other systems and do BI according to your real needs and desired performance indicators (KPIs).

Benefits of a Data Hub for Construction companies

Unify and leverage your existing tools data; Construction management software, Excel sheets, CRM, ERP, Security platforms, electronic timesheets and more
Automate time-consuming manual tasks to reduce error rates and increase efficiency
Get the data needed to manage the real-time evolution and profitability of your projects
Enhance your estimation success in submitting/answering Request for proposals (RFP)
Increase the level of expertise and efficiency without the need to increase hiring
Compete and win contracts using data without the need to lower prices
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Siloed Data

Construction companies are faced with data stuck in various siloed systems. They are missing out on ample amounts of insights and knowledge. This information, when accessible and used, can increase visibility, efficiency and detailed reporting. Making sure that all of your teams are in sync and working optimally is critical. With the BEEM data hub, you can centralize all of your organization's native, 3rd party and legacy system data, providing your teams with the ability to maximize the use of any data sources.

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Data Strategy

Our in-house team of data experts work with you to create a data strategy based on your organization's short and long-term goals. Your data strategy will be based on your transformed existing data, and where you see your data-driven approach going. With a data strategy in place, you are in a good position to have automated processes in place to make the most of all facets of your business.

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BI Reporting

Due to the increased need for knowledge, construction executives now require more acute and accurate real-time reporting and are turning to BI tools to meet this demand. With manual work and excel spreadsheets still being heavily used in conjunction with BI tools, data reliability issues are common. The BEEM data hub helps reduce your teams' workload, shorten the reporting process, and increases data reliability by automating data flows, and feeding your BI tools the appropriate enriched and transformed data.

MG Construction

MG Construction partners with BEEM to successfully operate their digital transformation by placing data at the center of their strategy and roadmap.

Case Study

Read the case study

Client Challenges

  1. 01
    Starting the company’s digital transformation and being a key player in the CEFRIO’s program to digitalize the Construction industry in Quebec, called the “Locomotive Numérique”
  2. 02
    Require data interoperability between multiple currently siloed platforms to grow their efficiency and business velocity
  3. 03
    Too many manual tasks to support data-driven activities
  1. 04
    No internal expertise in IT infrastructure nor Data Science
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    Urgent need to build more acute business intelligence (BI) out of their key data sources
  3. 06
    Executives lack of real-time reporting is a barrier to them making cost-efficient and operational decisions

BEEM's Solution

Starting with an Acceleraction™ assessment exercise, the BEEM Advanced Data Services team was mandated to assess the current state of their data ecosystem, identify the gaps and opportunities, and propose a roadmap aligned with their objectives and required resources.

Next was the implementation of the BEEM Data Hub and development of custom connectors to:
Unify, store, synchronize and enrich data across multiple platforms such as Maestro, Smartuse, Emyx, etc., via the Data Hub
Leverage all accessible data to increase visibility and insights for Finance and Project Management using new BI/Dashboarding tools
Automate the digital timesheets process
Automate project’s progress tracking and invoicing
And more to come as MG is being supported on an ongoing basis by dedicated resources from the BEEM Advanced Data Services team

Start your own data success story.